Friday, December 11, 2009
I promised pics
I am slowly losing the pregnancy weight. I still could pass as being pregnant. Since I had a c-section a dwas on IV, I actually gained a lot more water weight. I was so swollen for a few days that I had no knees, no ankles, I looked awful. I still weigh too much, and I can blame myself for my constant eating of sweets at the end. BUT it's only been a week and it will come off. I am just so excited for everything in store for me! I am going to turn into "one of those people" who only talk about their kids on facebook....I apologize in advance.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
I am soooo in love
Friday, December 4, 2009
Devin's Birth Story
Two anesthesiologists had to try a total of 3 times to get it right because apparently, I have scoliosis. I was TERRIFIED of the epidural because anything spine related freaks me out. It hurt, but it wasn't terrible. They kept saying I was a great patient. After I was nice and numb, the contractions didn't really hurt me anymore. I just hated not being able to eat anything all day!! Just popsicles and ice chips over and over.
Eventually, it was 7:45 and and the doc said she'd come back around 10. Around 9 I had THE WORST stabbing pain in my back on one side and I could feel the contractions by my ribs, so no matter how I laid, I was in sever pain, I was crying it hurt so bad, and I have a high pain tolerance. So then they gave me more epidrual medicine and said that if it didn't get better they would re-do it. At this point I broke down because I was just so numb and scared I wouldn't be able to push, I didn't want them to redo the epidural, I was just scared and I started crying.
At 10, my doctor came in and she said I hadn't progressed and the babies heart rate was getting high, and my cervix was swollen and I should consider a c-section. I knew she was right and even though I knew it could happen, I just didn't really think it would happen to me and I was just so dissapointed I wouldn't be able to have him naturally. I cried a lot and Michael cried cuz I was and it was just sad. But going to the OR, I became scared and they had to put me down cuz I felt them cutting into me...So, I woke up in a recovery room not even knowing I had been put down and when they woke me up they told me Devin was beautiful and weighed 7lb 11oz. I got to meet him shortly after. His apgar scores were both 9, which is WONDERFUL!
Feeding has been going ok, I have been leaking since 21 weeks but don't have a lot of colostrum right now, the pediatrician said its normal. Devin is wonderful and doesn't cry a lot, hes my beautiful angel and though it doesn't feel like I'm a mom yet, I am so in love with him and Michael and just so thankful!
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Last day of being pregnant.
So it's 5 o'clock p.m., and I have 5 more hours until I am due to the at the hospital. Tonight they aren't' doing much but it is a full moon, maybe it will allow me to have natural labor. Tomorrow they will do the pitocin and hopefully by tomorrow night he will be here, on Michael's birthday :)
I have so many strange feelings as the time as getting closer. I feel scared of course, excited, I feel like he's not even mine it's been so long! I'm so curious as to what he looks like. I just can't believe I am going to be a mom, I guess that part doesn't seem real to me for some reason. No words can describe how I feel...
So wit that being said, I am going to post my last pregnant pictures and just say, I can't wait to fall in love in a way I never have before! Thanks to all who have supported me all the way :)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Doctors official due date is today
I am truly scared of being induced but at the same time it's almost as if there is no little Devin in almost still doesn't feel real that I'll ever meet him.
At least I had thanksgiving as my last few days to be a fatty and enjoy eating A LOT :)
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Hospital Trip
I had them all yesterday, along with my doctors visit and he told me I was 75% effaced, so something is slowly happening. I had contractions yesterday through out the day and not really feeling anything today :(
I just keep seeing baby pictures and now I am impatient again!
Anyway, it was false/early labor, they said it can last days and it will be painful. The nurse said it probably won't stop.....come on Devin!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
This is how I know my face is fat.
Monday, November 16, 2009
There are things you can do to induce labor, like walking, sex, exercise ball, eating spicy foods...plenty of myths, none of them are working. I even walked on the treadmill last night for a half an hour!
p.s. treadmills suck and make you feel dizzy when you get off of them, I much prefer the elliptical.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
38 weeks...
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Woe is me
Another money woe, I can't find like 100 something cash that I had from gifts and stuff. Mike thinks I lost it (and isn't mad) but I just don't know what happened to it and I'm really upset about it. Imagine trying your hardest to think of something and you just have no idea what you last did with it, no matter how hard you think or look for it. It's really frustrating. I hope it comes around...
So for these two reasons that surfaced yesterday, I have been in a terrible mood today.
Tomorrow I go to the doc and Mike is off. They will check me to see if I am dilated and all that scary stuff. So, we'll see.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Officially (at least) 37 weeks
Anyway, here are some pics. The first is me at 37 weeks, the second is my fat/round face last weekend, and the third is the elephant.
Oh yeah! And I start my maternity leave tomorrow at 2!! wooohooo!
Monday, November 2, 2009
We are thankful
Michael's family did a bet where everyone picked a day baby would come, I picked my going into labor tonight because it's a full moon. I'm not counting on it...
Slowly, the room is coming together. I shortened my hours and have plenty of time to organize and rest now. Here are pictures of the room, it's simple and not yet complete but I love it.

Saturday, October 31, 2009
Sooo hungry
The doc said the head is down, baby is big. I feel pressure, meaning I think he dropped.
I'm still not nervous or worried. The only thing I am worried about is that I will have no motivation to clean up and move around, making me a bad mom. Its just saturday mornings I literally sit around till 2 or later and can't make myself do shit. I just feel soooo weak and tired and I'm not even busy! I think its this whole iron hopefully I will be better after baby comes.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Almost there?
According to the sono, today I would 36 weeks, meaning he could be born today and fine! I told my work that November 6th will be my last day. I am starting less hours this week, only about 4 hours less a week.
In other news, I got a 4 door car (2004 Inifniti i35, 83k miles) fully loaded, its beautiful! It has so many ritzy things I'd never care about in a car, but it's beautiful, drives well, and was a GREAT deal. I am getting the car seat properly installed sometime this week. Can't wait!
I was stressing about this week because I have a million tests and homework things to do, but I am in a better mood. I have so much to be thankful for...great family and friends, materilaistic things that I don't care that much about but I might as well appreciate, it's fall, and best of all, my sweet sweet boy is coming to this world soon! I'm still not scared :)
Things to do still:
-wash all the clothes and blankets
-pack the hospital bag!
-wash the sheets
-better organize the room/decorate
-get breast pump
picture (36w[sono] OR 35w3d):
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Maternity Photos!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
So I go and I tell the doctor (not the one who told me my iron was low) my symptoms, and she says it's all normal for where I'm at at pregnancy. It really pissed me off, I mean, how do you not even ask how many palpitations I might be having given my family history? How an you brush it off? So I said, ok well you guys said you'd do a test. She said she didn't really think I needed it, and I just stared at her. So finally she said ok we'll do it.
Low and behold, I feel like fuck the next day, I can barely get out of bed, I am just so exhausted. I called into work saying I was having cramps (which I was) and I wanted to rest a but but I'd still go in. When I slowly start to get ready, my OB calls me and says my iron is very low and I need to rest. THANKS BITCH I TOLD YOU SO. They want to retest me Monday. It's still going to be low and I wonder what they'll do. It's saturday morning and I just have no energy to do shit, and I'm getting depressed cuz I feel like I have so much I want to do.
Monday, October 12, 2009
It's getting cloooseerrr
-still better organize the room
-wash the clothes and sheets and stuff
-get a 4 door car, make frozen meals
-install a car seat
-do a couple school projects ahead of time
who knows what else. I REALLY hope i do the whole crazy nesting thing. Some people scrub their ovens and shit, I hope to god that will be me!
Ruth hasn't sent me any pics from the photoshoot, but a preview. Please keep in mind they are supposed to be artsy, and we had nowhere to shoot them :) Also, I am photoshopped! Here is one:
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
My chunky chunks!
My last doctors visit they said my iron was low, so I just started taking more iron today. I didn't feel bad, but lately I have been getting out of breath and my head pounds easily when I move and get tired, my lips looked blue the other day (but now I think its just the lighting), so I decided I'll take the iron. I just really didn't feel like more constipation. I have my next follow up appt. next week and we'll see what they tell me from the ultrasound, prob nothing special.
My baby shower this weekend was great, I had a lot fun and got lots of stuff! I also got to do my maternity pics (thanks to Ruth).
I have been sick since last friday though, and its mostly my sinuses and it sucks. I can't smell or taste anything, which sucks I didn't get to enjoy my cake as much as I would have normally!
Anyway, here is the pic of my chunky chunks, I think he looks beaauiitffulll and I can't wait to meet him!!!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Fat Face
Why couldn't my fat face wait one more weekend? I am excited about my baby shower this weekend.
My birthing class is scaring the shit out of me. I never really thought about it too much before, but now I am forced to! Ahhhh!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Baby Room
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Just one of those dayyysss
Tuesday I had my first lamaze class though. Mike and I were the youngest in there and I think the only ones without a ring- and actually, he's the one that pointed that out, I didn't even notice or care! I think thats hilarious. I know I'm smart and bla bla, I know my situation and I no longer really care what people think of my pregnancy. We had to split off in groups and come up with 10 things that are good about pregnancy and 10 things that are bad. In our group, NO ONE talked, we literally sat there staring at each other. I am pretty shy myself (sort of?)but it was way too awkward sitting there in silence so I jump started the talking and I was the one writing stuff down, so it was fun :) You learn a little about yourself every year. The class should be interesting, and I am thankful for it. I take my tour of Shady Grove this sunday, and then breast feeding class starts late next month.
I am now at the point where I go to the doctor every two weeks. I can't believe I'm so close, yet so far!! I could have the baby technically in 5 weeks and have a perfectly healthy baby :)
We got the crib and we got a matching dresser. I can't wait till the baby shower so I can really organize the room and get everything together!! I am very excited to meet him!
Monday, September 14, 2009
This is the boring part
Almost 30 weeks and things are about to start getting uncomfortbale and boring (pics taken at 28 weeks and some days). I already am starting to wake up every couple hours to pee...ANNOYING!! We ordered the crib though:
Now we just need a dresser to match and a glider! I still need to pick out a bedding set or get it together with a theme.
AWWW my dad is here to fix my computer and he brought me FLOWERS!!! I COULD CRY!!! :)
Monday, September 7, 2009
New Realization
People always ask if I'm scared or nervous and the answer is still nope, not at all.
Monday, August 31, 2009
4d/Family Meet Up
I was disappointed that his eyes looked like homer simpson. Michael doesn't have big eyes and I look Chinese when I was born, so I know its just weird lighting/angle. You can see he has big beautiful lips though! In one of the pictures its a screen shot of him kissing me. I can't say my little gordito looks adorable in these pics but I am sure he will be gorgeous and I can't wait to meet him!!!
The rest here
Thursday, August 27, 2009
L&D Scare
They strapped a monitor on me and said they could see the cramping. I was like does that mean they are seeing contractions? But she said no, but it is interuterine activity, so they gave me an IV. Then they said it was going down (even though it still hurt). Eventually they let me go and told me everything seemed normal, just try to drink more water.
This weekend I am doing my 3d ultrasound and I can't be more excited! Also, the parents are meeting for the first time. A little aawkward I think to meet at the ultrasound, but then everyones going to our house to eat and talk! Here is what we have to look forward to:
Monday, August 24, 2009
This has nothing to do with baby
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Baby Kicking Video
Beware, my belly is up close and it looks a bit freaky!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
First of all, I don't know where this blonde hair is coming from, both the pictures I used I have dark hair and OBVIOUSLY so does Mike. I don't think the babies are that cute, lets hope ours is ;)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Pregnancy has its perks.
On the way there however, we had to park very far and I stopped at Thats Amore and politely said to the hostess "I'm sorry, can I just use the restroom" and this BITCH said "no, i'm sorry we're not supposed to unless you're eating, I'll get in trouble," I was like "CLREALY, I'm pregnant...I mean..." and she said no. I wish wish wish I just walked and found the freaking bathroom. I was sooo pissed I almost cried. I don't know why I didn't just grow balls and go find it. If that EVER happens again, I will just say "ok then, you won't get in trouble because I'm finding the bathroom regardless." grrrr.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Doctors appointment today- 23w5d
Other than that, work is stressing me the fuck out, which can't be good for the baby either. Everyday we have patients either someone is screaming at me, cussing at me, or even better, THROWING something at me (be it paper work, or money). After a while, that shit just wears on you.
Anyway, I can't believe it's August now, and the baby is due in November!! I gotta start the nursery asap, and start counting kicks! I am so excited, but I will miss pregnancy itself, I wish I appreciated it more in the beginning.
And now for kicks and giggles, here is a ghetto picture...mostly for my own references ;)
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Exercise Schmexercize
Today I did two comcast 10 min baby jaunts. I feel like I didn't do shit, so I will increase my running game soon. My only problem is I do not wash my hair everyday and what will I do when I sweat like a dog after a run?? So I guess I'll just run on days I will wash my hair.
The whole reason I want to is because (duh) I want to be in shape but even more importantly, it is proven to make labor easier.
To do list:
- sign up for a birthing class
- make a list for baby shower invites
- put more things on target registry/find another place (?)
- sell stuff to make money/space for baby room
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
How could we resist?!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Dirty Shirts
This whole week, anytime I cooked, my white wife beaters had some type of spill on them. Maybe from splashing from the cooking, even so, I guess when I had a flat tummy, I was better able to dodge food stains.
In other news, I am starting to feel baby's schedule of when he is awake/kicking. Usually every night before bed, sometimes in the morning when I am waking up, and usually around lunch time, as of late.
Lastly, I got an iphone. I gave in! My "reasoning" (a.k.a. excuses) involved needing to get on the internet in emergencies (which did happen a lot, and I would call my brother and always ask him to look something up for me), being in labor and delivery and waiting around maybe? Soon, I will need a glucose test which requires drinking some nasty thing and waiting around in the docs office to have blood tested again, the pictures and cool apps, and lastly, I needed a new phone, had an upgrade, and it was only $99. Hopefully I will be good about NOT dropping this phone!!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Not the greatest pic, and Mike and I agree I look a bit bigger in the picture than I do in real life.
I don't think I ever blogged about the AWFUL sonogram I got to confirm it's a boy. The lady was a bitch and wouldn't let me look at the screen. When I asked her if I could see a profile shot, she told me no, I got a good one last time. I told her that actually his hand is on his face, though you can't see too well in the picture, and she said "No, I saw them, they looked beautiful." And she never showed me. I don't really think she knew what she was doing.
Now for the easier to read than paragraph facts:
- When I get full, my back hurts.
- At work, my back ends up hurting really bad sometimes (often in the middle of it)
- My feet hurt already after walking too long, maybe due to sandals + excess weight
- I've finally started to exercise more by walking
- I am starting to become more emotional, I def cry easier now
- I can't wait to meet him!
- We can sometimes see him kick, part of my stomach just moves up a little, it's weird!
- I feel like I'm starting to get more tired again
- There is a birds nest on the small tree right next to my patio, am I contagious? ;)
- Speaking of other living things, I tried to save this huge beetle the other night at 11 p.m., I am NOT one of those people as I can't deal with insects, but sometime WEIRD got into me!!
Monday, July 13, 2009
There's no way nice to put this...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Halfway Mark!
-I'm still not that much bigger, people say I look small for where I am, but I measure correctly.
-Bog is still stupid and needs to be trained better. Although, I think he knows because when we go for a walk and someone walks by, he sometimes growls, where as before he would wag his tail and try to be pet by strangers.
-Today I scheduled a 4D ultrasound for only $160 which includes a dvd and 8 black and white photos!! AUg 30th can't wait!!
-I have a horrible sweet tooth.

Monday, July 6, 2009
I swear today
Friday, July 3, 2009
Sunday, June 28, 2009
- Kicks are still sporadic, some days I feel it often, some days I don't. Sometimes I feel it the most only when I'm laying down, other times I can feel it sitting up.
- I feel like the animals are starting to know. Babies too. A baby today was very crabby and mean to everyone but kissed me goodbye out of nowhere. Hemi has been extremely nice and Bogart is way more careful about avoiding my tummy. Hemi follows me everywhere.
- My back hurts very easily while I'm sitting down. Sucks.
- My gums are starting to swell and sometimes bleed (it's normal, but not good).
- My appetite is slowly getting larger.
- Sometimes I'll be completely fine with not having to pee and then baby moves and BAM it feels like I'm bout to piss my pants! Theres never even that much pee, it sucks when that happens!
Cravings: double chocolate brownie fudge type ice creams
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Finally really excited!
I thought these were sort of cute
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Sonogram pic- 16 weeks
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Cruise was wonderful
Also, I may be able to find out the sex tomorrow at 16 weeks! I will be going in for an ultrasound for something else, but they may be able to see! Keep your fingers crossed!
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Official 2nd trimester!

Baby is the size of the lemon. Last week it was making faces and now its liver and kidney functions are working. There is also fine hair growing on the body for warmth! One more month until I know the sex!
I counted it being second trimester last week, but some things say 14 weeks. Whatevs. It's still not completely real sometimes. It's still scary. I'll be aiight.
In other news, still no job. I really gotta find one before I start showing. Or when I get the job I'll have to tell them. Shit sucks! I hope something comes about soon. In the mean time, I'm waiting for my package from shady grove to see how I can volunteer there.