Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Last day of being pregnant.

I am 41 weeks tomorrow. I last went in Monday with no progression, maybe more effacement and that's it, no dilation. So, I got put on the next available for the hospitals list to get induced. I could have waited longer but I can barely walk when I get up at first, my SI joint is messed up, my groin muscle, random contractions, belly stretched to the max, big baby...I figure if I keep going with no progression and might need to get induced anyway or worse (c-section) I might as well do it.

So it's 5 o'clock p.m., and I have 5 more hours until I am due to the at the hospital. Tonight they aren't' doing much but it is a full moon, maybe it will allow me to have natural labor. Tomorrow they will do the pitocin and hopefully by tomorrow night he will be here, on Michael's birthday :)

I have so many strange feelings as the time as getting closer. I feel scared of course, excited, I feel like he's not even mine it's been so long! I'm so curious as to what he looks like. I just can't believe I am going to be a mom, I guess that part doesn't seem real to me for some reason. No words can describe how I feel...

So wit that being said, I am going to post my last pregnant pictures and just say, I can't wait to fall in love in a way I never have before! Thanks to all who have supported me all the way :)

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