Saturday, November 28, 2009

Doctors official due date is today

Happy estimated due date to me :( Wednesday I had no progress, maybe a little more effaced and that's it. The doc said hopefully he'll see me this weekend and if not, we will discuss induction on Monday. Monday I don't see him though, I see another doc so maybe I will tell her "he said we would schedule the date today" in case she tries not to or something! I am getting more and more stretch marks, and my groin muscle and SI joint AND KNEES are all getting worse by the day. I walked a lot yesterday and it was kind of hard! My feet hurt so bad so quick, but I was a trooper and I think I walked for a couple hours.

I am truly scared of being induced but at the same time it's almost as if there is no little Devin in almost still doesn't feel real that I'll ever meet him.

At least I had thanksgiving as my last few days to be a fatty and enjoy eating A LOT :)

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