I went into labor and delivery at 10 pm on Wednesday night, they put in the cervadil around midnight and the next morning at 9 started the pitocin. When I came in I had already been contracting but didn't even know it. The pitocin on the other hand was awful. Around 2 oclock I was dilated to 2 and the doctor told me she felt his hair and wanted to ahead and break my water. When she came in I had been grabbing the handrail from how bad the contractions were and she asked my why I didn't want the epidural and I thought it was too early, she told me it wasn't and it doesn't run out and I knew I would be in for it when they broke my water so I opted for the epi.
Two anesthesiologists had to try a total of 3 times to get it right because apparently, I have scoliosis. I was TERRIFIED of the epidural because anything spine related freaks me out. It hurt, but it wasn't terrible. They kept saying I was a great patient. After I was nice and numb, the contractions didn't really hurt me anymore. I just hated not being able to eat anything all day!! Just popsicles and ice chips over and over.
Eventually, it was 7:45 and and the doc said she'd come back around 10. Around 9 I had THE WORST stabbing pain in my back on one side and I could feel the contractions by my ribs, so no matter how I laid, I was in sever pain, I was crying it hurt so bad, and I have a high pain tolerance. So then they gave me more epidrual medicine and said that if it didn't get better they would re-do it. At this point I broke down because I was just so numb and scared I wouldn't be able to push, I didn't want them to redo the epidural, I was just scared and I started crying.
At 10, my doctor came in and she said I hadn't progressed and the babies heart rate was getting high, and my cervix was swollen and I should consider a c-section. I knew she was right and even though I knew it could happen, I just didn't really think it would happen to me and I was just so dissapointed I wouldn't be able to have him naturally. I cried a lot and Michael cried cuz I was and it was just sad. But going to the OR, I became scared and they had to put me down cuz I felt them cutting into me...So, I woke up in a recovery room not even knowing I had been put down and when they woke me up they told me Devin was beautiful and weighed 7lb 11oz. I got to meet him shortly after. His apgar scores were both 9, which is WONDERFUL!
Feeding has been going ok, I have been leaking since 21 weeks but don't have a lot of colostrum right now, the pediatrician said its normal. Devin is wonderful and doesn't cry a lot, hes my beautiful angel and though it doesn't feel like I'm a mom yet, I am so in love with him and Michael and just so thankful!
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