Friday, December 11, 2009

I promised pics

Devin is a little shitter! I keep hearing he is pretty alert for his age....he still sleeps a whole lot too though. I am so obsessed, I can't even get anything done. I just want to hold him and be with him all the time! I can't imagine leaving the house. Is that unhealthy? Cuddling with him is my fav!

I am slowly losing the pregnancy weight. I still could pass as being pregnant. Since I had a c-section a dwas on IV, I actually gained a lot more water weight. I was so swollen for a few days that I had no knees, no ankles, I looked awful. I still weigh too much, and I can blame myself for my constant eating of sweets at the end. BUT it's only been a week and it will come off. I am just so excited for everything in store for me! I am going to turn into "one of those people" who only talk about their kids on facebook....I apologize in advance.

1 comment:

  1. These are some seriously adorable pictures :)


    Christina (AustinJsMama)
