Sunday, July 26, 2009

Dirty Shirts

I have dirtied many shirts this week. I blame it on pregnancy. I was at the mall and saw a free godiva white-chocolate covered strawberry and had to steal take it. It was SOOO GOOD. I had never had one actually. Next thing i knew, I had strawberry juices ALL over my all white shirt.

This whole week, anytime I cooked, my white wife beaters had some type of spill on them. Maybe from splashing from the cooking, even so, I guess when I had a flat tummy, I was better able to dodge food stains.

In other news, I am starting to feel baby's schedule of when he is awake/kicking. Usually every night before bed, sometimes in the morning when I am waking up, and usually around lunch time, as of late.

Lastly, I got an iphone. I gave in! My "reasoning" (a.k.a. excuses) involved needing to get on the internet in emergencies (which did happen a lot, and I would call my brother and always ask him to look something up for me), being in labor and delivery and waiting around maybe? Soon, I will need a glucose test which requires drinking some nasty thing and waiting around in the docs office to have blood tested again, the pictures and cool apps, and lastly, I needed a new phone, had an upgrade, and it was only $99. Hopefully I will be good about NOT dropping this phone!!

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