Happy estimated due date to me :( Wednesday I had no progress, maybe a little more effaced and that's it. The doc said hopefully he'll see me this weekend and if not, we will discuss induction on Monday. Monday I don't see him though, I see another doc so maybe I will tell her "he said we would schedule the date today" in case she tries not to or something! I am getting more and more stretch marks, and my groin muscle and SI joint AND KNEES are all getting worse by the day. I walked a lot yesterday and it was kind of hard! My feet hurt so bad so quick, but I was a trooper and I think I walked for a couple hours.
I am truly scared of being induced but at the same time it's almost as if there is no little Devin in me....it almost still doesn't feel real that I'll ever meet him.
At least I had thanksgiving as my last few days to be a fatty and enjoy eating A LOT :)
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Hospital Trip
I had the worst pains in my tummy Thursday night, but with accompanied gas, I thought that's all it was. I kept ignoring it, tried to sleep, finally woke up and tried to hold out for another hour and was like "Michael, I really don't think its contractions but whatever it is, I have to find out, we gotta go." So I called the OB, they told me to go in and the whole time I just felt so dumb, like they were gonna send me away and be like its nothing. Finally she put monitors on me and came back 20 mins later and said I was contracting every 2-4 minutes. I was so suprised, and it hit me and I was like damn, I am not ready for this. Lol. They sent me to walk for an hour and come back to see if I have dilated (since I hand't) and sure enough, I still didnt :( So i got sent home. She said she thinks within a week at the most.
I had them all yesterday, along with my doctors visit and he told me I was 75% effaced, so something is slowly happening. I had contractions yesterday through out the day and not really feeling anything today :(
I just keep seeing baby pictures and now I am impatient again!
Anyway, it was false/early labor, they said it can last days and it will be painful. The nurse said it probably won't stop.....come on Devin!
I had them all yesterday, along with my doctors visit and he told me I was 75% effaced, so something is slowly happening. I had contractions yesterday through out the day and not really feeling anything today :(
I just keep seeing baby pictures and now I am impatient again!
Anyway, it was false/early labor, they said it can last days and it will be painful. The nurse said it probably won't stop.....come on Devin!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
This is how I know my face is fat.
Monday, November 16, 2009
This waiting part has to be the worst part. You get tired of the "no baby yet?" questions, the "enjoy this and that while you can," and all the other stuff. I just want to meet him! I have plenty of things I can be doing like homework and little things around the house, but I am getting tired of that.
There are things you can do to induce labor, like walking, sex, exercise ball, eating spicy foods...plenty of myths, none of them are working. I even walked on the treadmill last night for a half an hour!
p.s. treadmills suck and make you feel dizzy when you get off of them, I much prefer the elliptical.
There are things you can do to induce labor, like walking, sex, exercise ball, eating spicy foods...plenty of myths, none of them are working. I even walked on the treadmill last night for a half an hour!
p.s. treadmills suck and make you feel dizzy when you get off of them, I much prefer the elliptical.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
38 weeks...
At my appt. I asked them to check me and sure enough, I am not dilated AT ALL...when I really thought I would be :( I have been having cramping since saturday. This doesn't necessarily mean anything, you can go from 0-10 in a day, but no matter what anyone says, I think that's rare. It is more common for people to be like 2 cm dilated for several weeks (which I'm sure sucks too). Oh well. Maybe he will be a Sagittarius after all! I am getting more and more uncomfortable though, so send labor vibes my way!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Woe is me
So, I was supposed to get approx. $1200 from my 401k from my old job, filled out all the paper work, was excited...sort of relying on that money, and yesterday I asked what was going on and the plan administrator (boss's wife) said oh, you had 0% vested and weren't with the company for two years so you can't withdraw it. I was 2 months short of 2 years, and I asked since it was my bonus money from xmas, was there anything I could do? She basically wrote back no, good luck with the baby, aka shut up and stop writing me. It put me in a really, really bad mood. I think we'll be ok, but when you are looking forward to that much money that SHOULD be yours, it's a big disappointment.
Another money woe, I can't find like 100 something cash that I had from gifts and stuff. Mike thinks I lost it (and isn't mad) but I just don't know what happened to it and I'm really upset about it. Imagine trying your hardest to think of something and you just have no idea what you last did with it, no matter how hard you think or look for it. It's really frustrating. I hope it comes around...
So for these two reasons that surfaced yesterday, I have been in a terrible mood today.
Tomorrow I go to the doc and Mike is off. They will check me to see if I am dilated and all that scary stuff. So, we'll see.
Another money woe, I can't find like 100 something cash that I had from gifts and stuff. Mike thinks I lost it (and isn't mad) but I just don't know what happened to it and I'm really upset about it. Imagine trying your hardest to think of something and you just have no idea what you last did with it, no matter how hard you think or look for it. It's really frustrating. I hope it comes around...
So for these two reasons that surfaced yesterday, I have been in a terrible mood today.
Tomorrow I go to the doc and Mike is off. They will check me to see if I am dilated and all that scary stuff. So, we'll see.
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Officially (at least) 37 weeks
I made two plaques next to his name for the baby room. I drew and painted the wooden blocks and drew an elephant on it. It doesn't look amazing or anything, but I like it and am proud. I had never done anything like that before. Can't wait to paint with him when he's old enough!
Anyway, here are some pics. The first is me at 37 weeks, the second is my fat/round face last weekend, and the third is the elephant.
Oh yeah! And I start my maternity leave tomorrow at 2!! wooohooo!
Anyway, here are some pics. The first is me at 37 weeks, the second is my fat/round face last weekend, and the third is the elephant.
Oh yeah! And I start my maternity leave tomorrow at 2!! wooohooo!
Monday, November 2, 2009
We are thankful
I know my old blog was all complaining, but there isn't a day where I don't remind myself and Michal that we are so blessed, loved, and lucky. We have so much support and people have helped us so much. We're thankful to everyone and whatever higher power :)
Michael's family did a bet where everyone picked a day baby would come, I picked my going into labor tonight because it's a full moon. I'm not counting on it...
Slowly, the room is coming together. I shortened my hours and have plenty of time to organize and rest now. Here are pictures of the room, it's simple and not yet complete but I love it.

Michael's family did a bet where everyone picked a day baby would come, I picked my going into labor tonight because it's a full moon. I'm not counting on it...
Slowly, the room is coming together. I shortened my hours and have plenty of time to organize and rest now. Here are pictures of the room, it's simple and not yet complete but I love it.

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