I am sad about my appt today because....I have gained too much weight! It's hard telling people that because EVERYONE says "you are pregnant!" but no, it's not ok. I was only supposed to gain a pound a week at this point (30 total for the pregnancy) and I'm at 134, last month I was at 123, so I gained a little too much. BUT, the doctor said I wasn't really gaining in the beginning and now its caught up a little so I might be ok. I just can't stop eating sweet shit! I always have to have a dessert! I give in too much. I need to try a tiny bit harder. I mean, I'm not that worried but I will try a little big harder. Maybe it was just a spurt and it will slow down again. We'll see September 1st (my next appt).
Other than that, work is stressing me the fuck out, which can't be good for the baby either. Everyday we have patients either someone is screaming at me, cussing at me, or even better, THROWING something at me (be it paper work, or money). After a while, that shit just wears on you.
Anyway, I can't believe it's August now, and the baby is due in November!! I gotta start the nursery asap, and start counting kicks! I am so excited, but I will miss pregnancy itself, I wish I appreciated it more in the beginning.
And now for kicks and giggles, here is a ghetto picture...mostly for my own references ;)