Newly pregnant....when I found out I wasn't very happy, very stressed. Mostly worried about the stigma attached to pregnancy. What would my friends think? "Oh just another person jumping into things, not married, changing their life forever..."
What would my dad think? "My daughter is a disappointment. It's because she's with a spanish person."
Sadly, I didn't have any doubt about myself being able to care for this baby, no doubt whatsoever about Michael always being a good father, no worries about my life changing forever, instead, I was mostly worried about what people would think.
Time went by, some days were better than others. And then I had to go to the hospital. They told me I had a 50% chance of miscarrying. Hearing this made me so angry at myself, so angry with my father for his lack of support, and I felt so sad.
A week after, I got an ultrasound and things seemed to be progressing normally, now my chances of miscarrying were only 15%.
I started telling a few more people, and to my suprise, so many were completely supportive. I heard things like "if I were in your position I'd do the same," or "I'm so glad is you rather than some other people I know" and even "you're going to be a great mother."
Presently, at 9 weeks and 4 days, I am happy and can't wait, though I am still lacking my fathers support.