Thursday, May 28, 2009

Official 2nd trimester!

Baby is the size of the lemon. Last week it was making faces and now its liver and kidney functions are working. There is also fine hair growing on the body for warmth! One more month until I know the sex!

I counted it being second trimester last week, but some things say 14 weeks. Whatevs. It's still not completely real sometimes. It's still scary. I'll be aiight.

In other news, still no job. I really gotta find one before I start showing. Or when I get the job I'll have to tell them. Shit sucks! I hope something comes about soon. In the mean time, I'm waiting for my package from shady grove to see how I can volunteer there.

Monday, May 18, 2009


Man, if I thought I had the itis before, now I have elphantitis of the itis! I will eat dinner and my eyes just become so heavy. It's quite the phenomenon. It's almost as if I'm on a drug and it hits, it's very strange.

In other news, I can't believe that Thursday I will be 4 months pregnant. That is INSANE to me! It's still not real sometimes. It's hard to explain. I mean, you have no more free thought, it's always in your head the second you wake up in the middle of the night or the second your alarm goes off. But at the same time it's still not real.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Boring Blog?

Maaan, this blog might be more boring than I thought. I went to get an "ultrasound," or so I thought. Turned out we heard the babys heart beat and I won't get an ultrasound until 18-20 weeks. Heartbeat was exciting, it was just I expected to see little one and I was really excited. Oh well!

No new news. Lately, meat pretty much grosses me out. I don't ever really feel like eating anything. The best example I can give explaining this is, you know when someone says do you feel like pizza and you don't? Well thats how I feel towards everything lately, pretty much.....except iranian food, and pizza. People ask me if I crave anything, and I don't except I guess pizza so far.

That is all for now :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Cruise Cruise Cruise Cruise

I am going on a cruise and couldn't be more excited! I've been wanting this foorreevvverrr. I even got a new bikini. I think a bikini would be cuter than a one piece with a little baby bump. I'm going to bahamas baby! My dream has been to be in turquoise waters forever! We were going to do an all inclusive at dmonican republic, but I am serious when I say that the waters weren't blue enough for me. WOOHOOOO!!

I deserve it!!